Custom development


What I Do

I share my journey on this blog, mostly technical.

I'm a die-hard programmer, I live and breathe advanced coding topics (and memes). And I want to share my love of them with you!

It's just that my excitement gets everyone confused in the process sometimes... (I swear I'm working on it!)

Top Performance

OOP in WordPress

Design Patterns

Improved workflow

Improved workflow


As a developer, I use a lot of boilerplate code, mostly in-house and open source, to speed things up.

Whenever I start working on a new plugin or theme, I don't appreciate repeating unnecessary tasks like minifying assets, compressing images, converting SASS to CSS, converting JavaScript modules, refreshing the browser, etc.

I try to automate my workflow as much as I can, using boilerplates and custom tools that I will share with you on this blog.

Rethink and
ask “Why ?”

Your codebase and product(s) will improve.

I like to rethink the way we do things to find a better path, one that is more efficient, effective, leads us forward, and is balanced with the intent.

Many times I’ll look at a process, product, or site and think “hmm why did s/he do it this way and how can we improve this?”

Vecsei Szilveszter

PHP Developer

300 Custom
55 Custom
Who we are

Need help?

Bring vision to

Fix Website

No one told you how difficult it would be to own a site, didn’t they?


I’ll keep your site secure, up to date, backed up and running smoothly.


Your site needs regular maintenance just like your car and home does.


Creating custom WordPress themes and plugins for WooCommerce.

IT Support

I will evaluate your needs and help with the most suitable solutions for you.


From simple websites to high-performance portals and e-commerce.

Creating a new website?

Top solutions

Fast developer engagement with same-day response times.

Custom solutions, not thousands of plugins.


UI Template

Starting from a HTML template.

There are numerous professional templates to pick from that may be tailored to your specific requirements.


Custom Theme

Creating a one-of-a-kind WordPress template to meet your specific needs.

Extend WordPress well beyond what others would consider ordinary with Custom Post Types, Meta Boxes, Settings, APIs, Tables that are infinitely flexible with no strings attached.


Deliver the result

The final approval stage for documentation, testing, installation, and release.

Creating a new website?


Latest and greatest post.

Don't be weird.

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