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Code Snippets

Download Link for Media Files

Download Link for Media Files

This functionality is provided by certain plugins, and others let you download your whole media library. But what if all…

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Deny Upload if Filename Contains Special Characters

Deny Upload if Filename Contains Special Characters

Every single website owner out there will find this to be incredibly helpful. At all times, only the letters a–z…

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Privacy Policy & GDPR Pop-Up Notice Using JS

Privacy Policy & GDPR Pop-Up Notice Using JS

WordPress added the opportunity to build a privacy policy page just before the GDPR law took effect, and if the…

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Add Delete & SPAM links to the Front-End comments

Add Delete & SPAM links to the Front-End comments

One thing is certain when managing a WordPress site with the comments turned on. – expect comments that bring no…

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WooCommerce Decrease Password Strength

WooCommerce Decrease Password Strength

While forcing strong passwords on your WooCommerce customers might stop them from completing their order, this is still not a…

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Don't be weird.

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