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WordPress Media Cleaning

WordPress Media Cleaning

FIRST, DO A BACKUP! Just watch out what you are doing as delete means delete. If you've been managing a…

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Efficient database query optimizations in WordPress

Efficient database query optimizations in WordPress

Writing performant code is crucial, to ensure that our code is optimized for high-traffic conditions, we must utilize a number…

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Custom Themes vs Premium Themes & Page Builders

Custom Themes vs Premium Themes & Page Builders

If you’re building a conversion focused website on WordPress, then you know there's a lot of content you need to…

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All you need to know about WordPress Themes

All you need to know about WordPress Themes

In this article we will talk about (1) custom themes built from scratch, (2) custom themes built upon a starter…

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WordPress Customizer sanitization

WordPress Customizer sanitization

The Customizer API demands a callback function be defined for each setting to validate and sanitize input because we should…

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